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Fury Fall Recap

Throughout the fall season, the TN Fury Platinum organization has continued its tradition of success as our teams played tournaments in Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. Throughout the season, our coaches have seen our girls come together as good teammates, as well as excel on the field as athletes. Expectations are high, and we are looking forward to a great Summer 2016 season with our girls!

'16/'17/'18 (18u)

The coaching staff is very pleased with the productive fall the 18u had. Our schedule allowed us to observe and evaluate all players in multiple positions and situations as well as reach many of our physical goals during game play. The biggest success of our fall was the commitment to mental game strategies focusing mainly on toughness and the ability to adjust within game situations. Veteran members stepped up to the mental challenges either leading by example or taking time to teach the new players to buy into the culture. They specifically excelled in demonstrating and teaching strategies to maximize physical performance to execute and compete, communicate, and prepare for their respective future collegiate careers. Each new player showed signs of growth and promise for what could be Fury Platinum's most competitive 18u team to date. Over the winter and spring, the coaching staff and team will continue to be focusing on high level mental sustainability within close games, as well as developing a plan to physically "throw punches back" when met with strong opposition. The summer looks bright for the 18u!

-Shelby Burchell, Brandon Carr, and Tory Lewis

'18'/'19/‘20 (16u)

The biggest challenge this fall for Fury Platinum '18/'19 wasn't the great competition we faced, but developing team chemistry after the merger of 12 eligible players from last years 14u and 16u teams, plus the addition of 2 very talented newcomers. With a few tournaments under our belt the girls are learning to trust one another and care about one another, as we strive to reach team cohesiveness. We have high expectations for this talented young team and look forward to a very exciting summer of 2016.

-Joe Fowler, Sam Thomas, and Laura Dukes

'19/'20/'21 (14u)

What a great fall season! We had the pleasure of watching a new group of awesome young ladies come together as a team and provide us with a blueprint for improving this winter. Not only did they embrace new teammates, they adjusted to new ideas regarding coaching, playing multiple positions, and trust in Fury Platinum's long term plans to help them achieve their goals. Looking forward to a productive winter-spring as we continue to improve and build for the upcoming summer season.

-Jimmy Hutchins and Pete Hughes

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